The Eco Fuel Plant produces RUF-standard fuel briquettes. Production is organized so that sawdust – raw material for briquettes – comes immediately from the equipment of parquet production, so nowhere stored and do not gain moisture, which gives the consumer an impeccable quality of fuel. The slightest violation of technology, and the briquette begins to crack or crumble, we do not do it, precisely because everything is prethought.
Any commercial company is created for profit, but profit is an assessment by the buyer of the product. The briquette falls apart, gives little heat – and the buyer is looking for another supplier. We understand this very well, including paying special attention to the observance of production technology. One of the most important tasks for us is ecology in Russia and in the world. For the production of briquettes used secondary raw materials, it is a very high-quality, environmentally friendly material, in our case 30-40% oak and 60-70% of the horsepower with very low humidity.

We’ve star Inted working with fuel briquettes in 2012. We bought equipment, built a factory, started production and from the very first days began forming the team as an integral and important part of the process.In 2015 we decided to reorganize. A new stage of the company’s development in cooperation with Karelia-Upofloor, the producers of parquet, began.
This is how the Eco Fuel Plant Ltd., which is now located in central Russia, near the town of Obninsk in the Kaluga region (village of Maklino) was founded.
In 2019, we upgraded equipment, purchased two new presses, increased productivity and developed new markets and territories.
Our path to what is now has not been easy, but we continue to develop and improve.